What is Best First Search
The Best-First Search is a strategy used to find the most efficient path from one point to another in a network or graph. Imagine you're trying to navigate through a maze to reach a specific destination.
The Best-First Search algorithm works by exploring the available paths and always choosing the one that seems most promising based on a specific criterion. This criterion is typically a heuristic, which is a fancy word for a rule of thumb or an estimation of how good a path is.
For example, let's say you're in a maze, and you can only see a few steps ahead. You might use the distance to the destination as your heuristic. The Best-First Search would prioritize the paths that seem closer to the goal based on that heuristic. It would keep exploring those paths until it either finds the destination or realizes that it's stuck and needs to backtrack.
The algorithm keeps a list of the available paths and selects the one that appears to be the most promising according to the chosen heuristic. It continues this process of selecting the best path, exploring it, and updating the list until it reaches the destination.
In summary, Best-First Search is like a smart explorer who tries to make the best decisions by considering a heuristic, like distance to the goal, to find the most efficient path through a maze or network. It's an effective strategy for navigation and optimization problems.
Who invented it?
The Best-First Search algorithm is a general search strategy that has been developed and refined by multiple researchers in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence. It is not attributed to a single inventor.
The concept of best-first search can be traced back to the early days of artificial intelligence research. Some notable contributors to the development of search algorithms include John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, and Herbert A. Simon, among others. These researchers laid the foundation for various search algorithms, including best-first search, in the 1950s and 1960s.
Over time, the Best-First Search algorithm has been studied and adapted by numerous researchers and practitioners in the field of computer science. It has found applications in various domains, such as pathfinding, game playing, robotics, and more. The algorithm continues to be a fundamental tool in the field of artificial intelligence and remains an active area of research.
function BestFirstSearch(startNode, goalNode)
create an empty priority queue Q
create an empty set visited
enqueue startNode into Q with a priority based on a heuristic value
while Q is not empty
currentNode = Q.dequeue()
if currentNode is the goalNode
return path to currentNode
for each neighborNode of currentNode
if neighborNode is not in visited
enqueue neighborNode into Q with a priority based on a heuristic value
return no path found
In this pseudocode, startNode represents the initial node or starting point, and goalNode represents the destination or goal node. The algorithm uses a priority queue Q to store the nodes to be explored. The priority of each node in the queue is determined by a heuristic value, which estimates the desirability of that node based on the problem domain.
The algorithm starts by enqueueing the startNode into the priority queue with an initial priority based on the heuristic value. It also keeps track of the visited nodes in the visited set.
The main loop continues until the priority queue is empty. In each iteration, the algorithm dequeues the node with the highest priority from Q. If this node is the goalNode, it means the path to the goal has been found, and the algorithm returns that path.
If the current node is not the goal, the algorithm examines its neighboring nodes. For each unvisited neighbor, it calculates the heuristic value and enqueues it into the priority queue Q. The visited set is updated to include the newly visited node.
If the loop completes without finding a path to the goal, it means no path exists.
The algorithm starts by enqueueing the startNode into the priority queue with an initial priority based on the heuristic value. It also keeps track of the visited nodes in the visited set.
The main loop continues until the priority queue is empty. In each iteration, the algorithm dequeues the node with the highest priority from Q. If this node is the goalNode, it means the path to the goal has been found, and the algorithm returns that path.
If the current node is not the goal, the algorithm examines its neighboring nodes. For each unvisited neighbor, it calculates the heuristic value and enqueues it into the priority queue Q. The visited set is updated to include the newly visited node.
If the loop completes without finding a path to the goal, it means no path exists.
Sample Code
// C++ code snippet
#include "iostream"
#include "queue"
#include "vector"
#include "unordered_set"
// Structure to represent a node in the graph
struct Node {
int id;
std::vector < std::pair < Node*, int > > neighbors; // List of neighbor nodes and their edge weights
// Comparator for priority queue based on heuristic values
struct CompareNodes {
bool operator()(const Node* lhs, const Node* rhs) const {
// Assuming the heuristic value is stored in the "heuristic" member of the Node struct
return lhs->heuristic > rhs->heuristic;
// Best-First Search function
std::vector < Node* > bestFirstSearch(Node* startNode, Node* goalNode) {
std::priority_queue< Node*, std::vector, CompareNodes> pq; // Priority queue
std::unordered_set < Node* > visited; // Set of visited nodes
// Initialize the start node
startNode->heuristic = calculateHeuristic(startNode, goalNode);
while (!pq.empty()) {
Node* currentNode = pq.top();
if (currentNode == goalNode) {
// Goal node reached, construct and return the path
return constructPath(currentNode);
// Explore neighbors
for (auto neighbor : currentNode->neighbors) {
Node* neighborNode = neighbor.first;
if (visited.find(neighborNode) == visited.end()) {
neighborNode->heuristic = calculateHeuristic(neighborNode, goalNode);
// No path found
return std::vector < Node* >();
// Function to calculate the heuristic value (dummy implementation, replace with appropriate logic)
int calculateHeuristic(Node* currentNode, Node* goalNode) {
// Replace with your heuristic calculation logic here
// The heuristic value should estimate the cost or distance from the current node to the goal node
return 0;
// Function to construct the path from start to goal
std::vector < Node*> constructPath(Node* goalNode) {
std::vector < Node*> path;
Node* currentNode = goalNode;
while (currentNode != nullptr) {
currentNode = currentNode->parent;
std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
return path;
int main() {
// Create the graph (dummy graph for demonstration)
Node* nodeA = new Node{1};
Node* nodeB = new Node{2};
Node* nodeC = new Node{3};
Node* nodeD = new Node{4};
Node* nodeE = new Node{5};
nodeA->neighbors = {{nodeB, 2}, {nodeC, 3}};
nodeB->neighbors = {{nodeD, 4}};
nodeC->neighbors = {{nodeD, 2}, {nodeE, 5}};
nodeD->neighbors = {{nodeE, 1}};
// Perform Best-First Search
std::vector < Node*> path = bestFirstSearch(nodeA, nodeE);
// Print the path
if (!path.empty()) {
std::cout << "Path found: ";
for (Node* node : path) {
std::cout << node->id << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
# Python code snippet
import heapq
# Node class to represent a node in the graph
class Node:
def __init__(self, id):
self.id = id
self.neighbors = [] # List of neighbor nodes and their edge weights
# Best-First Search function
def best_first_search(start_node, goal_node):
priority_queue = [] # Priority queue
heapq.heappush(priority_queue, (0, start_node)) # Initial priority is 0 (dummy value)
visited = set()
while priority_queue:
_, current_node = heapq.heappop(priority_queue)
if current_node == goal_node:
# Goal node reached, construct and return the path
return construct_path(current_node)
if current_node not in visited:
# Explore neighbors
for neighbor, _ in current_node.neighbors:
if neighbor not in visited:
priority = calculate_heuristic(neighbor, goal_node)
heapq.heappush(priority_queue, (priority, neighbor))
neighbor.parent = current_node
# No path found
return []
# Function to calculate the heuristic value (dummy implementation, replace with appropriate logic)
def calculate_heuristic(current_node, goal_node):
# Replace with your heuristic calculation logic here
# The heuristic value should estimate the cost or distance from the current node to the goal node
return 0
# Function to construct the path from start to goal
def construct_path(goal_node):
path = []
current_node = goal_node
while current_node is not None:
current_node = current_node.parent
return path
# Create the graph (dummy graph for demonstration)
nodeA = Node(1)
nodeB = Node(2)
nodeC = Node(3)
nodeD = Node(4)
nodeE = Node(5)
nodeA.neighbors = [(nodeB, 2), (nodeC, 3)]
nodeB.neighbors = [(nodeD, 4)]
nodeC.neighbors = [(nodeD, 2), (nodeE, 5)]
nodeD.neighbors = [(nodeE, 1)]
# Perform Best-First Search
path = best_first_search(nodeA, nodeE)
# Print the path
if path:
print("Path found:", end=" ")
for node in path:
print(node.id, end=" ")
print("No path found.")
import java.util.*;
// Node class to represent a node in the graph
class Node {
int id;
List neighbors; // List of neighbor nodes and their edge weights
Node(int id) {
this.id = id;
this.neighbors = new ArrayList<>();
// Edge class to represent an edge between nodes
class Edge {
Node neighbor;
int weight;
Edge(Node neighbor, int weight) {
this.neighbor = neighbor;
this.weight = weight;
// Best-First Search class
class BestFirstSearch {
// Comparator for priority queue based on heuristic values
static class NodeComparator implements Comparator {
public int compare(Node node1, Node node2) {
// Assuming the heuristic value is stored in the "heuristic" member of the Node class
return Integer.compare(node1.heuristic, node2.heuristic);
// Best-First Search function
static List bestFirstSearch(Node startNode, Node goalNode) {
PriorityQueue priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(new NodeComparator()); // Priority queue
Set visited = new HashSet<>();
while (!priorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
Node currentNode = priorityQueue.poll();
if (currentNode == goalNode) {
// Goal node reached, construct and return the path
return constructPath(currentNode);
if (!visited.contains(currentNode)) {
// Explore neighbors
for (Edge neighbor : currentNode.neighbors) {
if (!visited.contains(neighbor.neighbor)) {
neighbor.neighbor.heuristic = calculateHeuristic(neighbor.neighbor, goalNode);
neighbor.neighbor.parent = currentNode;
// No path found
return new ArrayList<>();
// Function to calculate the heuristic value (dummy implementation, replace with appropriate logic)
static int calculateHeuristic(Node currentNode, Node goalNode) {
// Replace with your heuristic calculation logic here
// The heuristic value should estimate the cost or distance from the current node to the goal node
return 0;
// Function to construct the path from start to goal
static List constructPath(Node goalNode) {
List path = new ArrayList<>();
Node currentNode = goalNode;
while (currentNode != null) {
currentNode = currentNode.parent;
return path;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create the graph (dummy graph for demonstration)
Node nodeA = new Node(1);
Node nodeB = new Node(2);
Node nodeC = new Node(3);
Node nodeD = new Node(4);
Node nodeE = new Node(5);
nodeA.neighbors.add(new Edge(nodeB, 2));
nodeA.neighbors.add(new Edge(nodeC, 3));
nodeB.neighbors.add(new Edge(nodeD, 4));
nodeC.neighbors.add(new Edge(nodeD, 2));
nodeC.neighbors.add(new Edge(nodeE, 5));
nodeD.neighbors.add(new Edge(nodeE, 1));
// Perform Best-First Search
List path = bestFirstSearch(nodeA, nodeE);
// Print the path
if (!path.isEmpty()) {
System.out.print("Path found: ");